It's my first time to enjoy difference with Taiwan the local party in my life.
I was enjoy this Party.
Our company held the Xmas Party before Xmas.
This party like family party or Taiwanese party. Many people they brought their family or girl/ boy friend to came to this party.
Everyone had a dinner and drink together, but I could't remember who are they because they didn't wear their uniform and hat they was different with when they are working.
Anyway, I met some good persons in this party. They taught and tell me about their culture ...totally different someone just want to find some Asia person for sex.
See! Many Taiwanese (Asia people) in our company, but forigner more than us.
Tracy. She is so beautiful woman.
I like her. When I have gotten this job she have taught me many things.
Today she wear V tank and high sexy
Hoa from Vietnam.
She is cute and friendly. She is learning English hard. I like to talk with her even she always can't understand what do I say...ha.
She introduced her husband and two lovely children to me.
Kobie is naughty and friendly.
When we meet in the factory he always keeps smile to me and say '' How are you Vincy? ''
if I reply not good today, he will ask me why and give me a hug.
This day when I met him. I said hello before he said to me, but he just replied 'How are you ?' to me.
And he check my name card and said 'Vincy'
I found out one thing even foreigner, they can't know us when we don't wear uniform...ha....
Eboy is Kobie's friend.
She taught me many things in this night. She said if she didn't come to this party she won't know what Taiwanese look like.
It's my first time to talk with foreigner feet relax, and I could really understand her English.
I wish I can meet her again.
When I get along with foreigner I feel that I am serious and no idea what to do.
They always tell me to do relax, like someone invited me to dance, but I didn't have any idea to dance...
I thought because my culture...let me no idea to relax by myself.
I thing I have to learn.....